Benefits of ADA and WCAG Compliance

Why Should You Address Website Accessibility?

The number of Americans with visual and audial disabilities is increasing. Sadly, about 20 percent of our population can’t optimize website content.

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Fortunately, ADA provisions are emboldening these impaired Americans to demand their rights to online content. They are capitalizing on these provisions to sue website owners violating their right to access information conveniently.

These legal battles are causing businesses across various sectors numerous financial, reputation-damaging, and legal consequences. Fortunately, you can optimize the practical insights I shared in this guide to achieve compliance and enjoy its many benefits.

Comply today not just consequentially, but also conscientiously, as a responsible and responsive American who cares about fellow citizens living with disabilities.

Remember, the time is always right to do the right thing.

Why You Should Get Your Website into ADA Compliance

Complying with the ADA should not be a consequential reaction. Abiding by the Act’s provisions and rules has many benefits for your business. Here are some of the benefits of proactive and conscientious compliance.


The possibility of users with visual and hearing challenges accessing your business website means you have more potential clients.

Remember, there are more than 60 million Americans living with visual and hearing challenges. Moreover, these people are likely just as interested as people without disabilities to buy and benefit from your products/services.

However, when they arrive at your website, they face accessibility and navigation difficulties. This means their ability to contact you or buy your products decreases immensely. Consequently, they will turn to your competitors.

However, you can reverse the above situation by making it easy for them to access and navigate your website content.  Consequently, you set yourself up for increased ROI because these users can be very loyal customers to companies and websites that improve their lives’ quality.

Complying with ADA is like taking money from one of your competitors and depositing it into your own accounts. Ultimately, you have everything to gain.


Higher search engine rankings is another potential benefit of voluntary compliance with the ADA. During your migration, an ADA specialist will audit it to detect and address usability challenges. These difficulties include the inability for search engine spiders to index your site easily. When you address such issues, your site will rank highly in search engines.

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According to the IRS, all efforts to improve website accessibility and navigation attract a 50% tax credit for any expense exceeding $250,000.


You need to comply with a moral conviction that cares about the needs and challenges of impaired users. Just try figuring out the kind of treatment you would expect to receive if you had hearing and visual disabilities.

We all would like to access information easily and conveniently online. Therefore, conscientious compliance enhances your company’s brand and social/moral standing or capital in society as a morally responsible and responsive business.


When you make your website ADA-compliant, you are providing a benefit to existing and potential customers as per the WCAG guidelines. This means that all users irrespective of their disability status will enjoy visiting your website because it’s easy to access and navigate it. Consequently, they will find what they need more easily while enjoying value for their time and efforts.